Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Others The Witch of the Web
Personal information
Species Unknown
Gender Female
Occupation Witch
Current status Unknown
Body type Humanoid
Abilities Magic and mesmerism
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Sapient
Behind the scenes
Universe Scooby-Doo
Performed by Ruta Lee

Revolta is an evil four-armed being who fancies herself as "the Witch of the Web". She lives in a castle filled with monstrous creatures and is served by the loyal Grim Creeper.


Although her species remains unclear, Revolta is a monstrous humanoid with four arms, dark green hair and red eyes. She has mastery over magic spells (which she needs a wand to perform) and potions, and can also transmit her voice via web-made earmuffs spun by her Spider Bats in order to hypnotize victims, putting them into a state of complete obedience.


Feeling disgust at how the great monsters of the past had seemingly gone soft (for instance, in observing displays of camaraderie between Dracula and Mummy Daddy as the former allowed the latter to use his cape to protect his bandages from the rain), Revolta decided to kidnap the monsters' daughters and turn them into her own evil servants that would help her conquer the monster world.

While she managed to abduct Sibella, Phantasma, Elsa Frankenteen, Winnie Werewolf and Tanis Mummy, the girls were eventually rescued from the castle with the help of Shaggy Rogers, Scooby-Doo, Scrappy-Doo, Matches and the cadets from Colonel Calloway's Military School.

During the rescue, Revolta's magic wand was taken from her by Tanis and tossed into her cauldron filled with all sorts of ingredients. This resulted in an explosion which destroyed the whole castle. Revolta's ultimate fate is not known.


  • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)