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Binomen Unknown
Average height 250 feet (infant), presumably 3-5 times larger as adult (possibly unknown)
Sapience Non-Sapient (presumed)
Aggressivity Extreme (no discussion)
Habitat Underwater
Diet Carnivore or Omnivore
Lifespan Unknown
Subspecies None Known
Status Data Deficient
Behind the Scenes

Kishin — also known as the Cloverfield Monster and erroneously known as Kirin — are a species of gargantuan amphibious lifeforms that are known to have two nests on the planet Earth, one in the Atlantic Ocean and another in the Pacific Ocean.


They were unknown to mankind until very recently. It is believed that each egg may take thousands of years to hatch, as the only known example of the species — an infant nicknamed many times including Clover, was thousands of years old by the time of its obliteration of New York City. While all information on their species is gathered strictly from the events of Project: Cloverfield, it is assumed that all or a significant portion of their species are covered in back - orientated parasites known as HSPs which are deadly to lifeforms far smaller then the Cloverfield monsters, themselves.

Other Physiological Statistics (Infant Size)

  • Height of Head 45 feet (13.7 meters)
  • Depth of Head 50 feet (15.2 meters)
  • Width of Mouth 15 feet (4.6 meters)
  • Height of Mouth 35 feet (10.7 meters)
  • Length of Longest tooth 5 feet (1.5 meters)


  • While mankind is not supposed to know the origins of the Cloverfield Monster in order to make it seem more realistic, the producer, J. J. Abrams, has stated that it is not in fact extraterrestrial (citation needed), making it an Earth-based organism.
  • While Clover possesses numerous nicknames created by fans of the movie, the nickname given to it by the crew who worked on it onset was "Clover", thus it is the official nickname of the creature until stated otherwise.
  • The most official nickname to the Cloverfield Monsters is "Kishin".