Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Giant Leech
Binomen N/A
Body type Worm-like / humanoid
Average height Slightly taller than a human being
Sentience Sentient
Sapience Unknown (presumably Semi-Sapient or Sapient)
Aggressivity Very High
Place of origin Everglades, Florida
Habitat Swamp
Diet Hematophagous
Status DD
Behind the Scenes
Universe Attack of the Giant Leeches
Created by Leo Gordon

The Giant Leeches are intelligent, man-sized amphibious leeches which inhabit the swamps of Everglades, Florida, hiding in underground caverns during the day and hunting out at night. Their origins are unknown, but local scientist Doc Grayson has speculated that they may be the result of mutations caused by atomic radiation from Cape Canaveral.


The Giant Leeches are intelligent creatures and appear to live and hunt in pairs - suggesting that they might be monogamous. Their natural prey might be alligators, as people have reported that alligators have mostly disappeared from the areas inhabited by the Leeches - leading them to switch to a human-based diet. They capture prey alive and keep their victims trapped in air-filled underwater caves, where they feed on the victims' blood for several days until the victims finally perish, presumably from anemia and starvation. Victims have been found with suction disk marks on their necks and faces, made by the Leeches' circular mouths.


  • Attack of the Giant Leeches (1959)


  • The Leeches' modus operandi - keeping their prey alive and trapped in order to continuously feed on their blood - is similar to that of another vampiric creature, the so-called Beast from Haunted Cave, whose eponymous film was also released in 1959.